This is the week in which I am extremely picky about my reading. So far I haven't been able to get into
Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Weiner or
Fledgling by Octavia Butler and so the majority of my reading time has been spent looking over husband's latest copy of Popular Mechanics, which means that I am now proficient on how to fix my car if there is a leak in the radiator, and I have a deep and personal understanding of how to power all of my home tech devices with nothing more than a home wind turbine and a roll of duct tape, and when civilization goes kaput thanks to a nuclear holocaust or World War III, or even the zombie apocalypse, I know what the three essential tools to have on hand are. But alas, I don't have much to report for you Sunday Saloners about lovely books.
How about you? Any books you can't get into this week?
music, watched movies back to back and done everything except reading. I think I need a break :)
I hope you'll find something you like.
I copy pasted only half the comment from the notepad :)
Here's the entire thing
same here, I've been reading the same book for more than 5 days and it's a good book. This weekedn I might have read only 20 pages. I shopped, listened to music, watched movies back to back and done everything except reading. I think I need a break :)
I hope you'll find something you like.
I've been trying to get into LAVINIA for weeks and still couldn't. Will continue to try.
Unfortunately I'm into TOO many books. Which is usually not a problem for me (I live on the opposite end of the spectrum). However, I seem to have fallen in love with The Good Earth, Catching Fire, and The Hunt for the Seventh all at once!
I was having trouble getting into anything, but now I'm reading four books: The Unlikely Disciple by Kevin Roose, House of Dark Shadows by Robert Liparulo (for the RIP IV), Sometimes We're Always Real Same-Same by Mattox Roesch and $20 Per Gallon by Christopher Steiner. I'm enjoying every single one of them. Hope you find something brilliant, soon. :)
I've been being picky myself, recently. Hopefully I'll come across something on my bookshelf that really jumps out at me.
I've been thinking about joining the Sunday Salon, and I was wondering if there was a sort of link round-up for all the posts? I've been looking around, but I haven't been able to find one. If you know, I'd really appreciate it! :)
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