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Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 Reading Challenges

Here is a list of my current challenges. If it's underlined, I've read it. You can click on the title to see my review of it.

Challenge Blog
Host: Carl V
Rules: Read scary stories September 1, 2009- October 31, 2009

My List:
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (Horror)
Fledgling by Octavia Butler (Supernatural)
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carie Ryan (Supernatural)
Magic for Beginners by Kelly Link (Dark Fantasy)
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafron (Mystery)

DreamKing Challenge
Challenge Blog
Host: Jessi
The Dream King Challenge will run from 1 January 2009 - 31 December 2009. You can join at any time during the year.

There are four different levels:

Neophyte: Read one work and watch one movie
Acolyte: Read three works (from three different categories) and watch one movie
Devotee: Read six works (from six different categories) and watch one movie
Zealot: Read twelve works (from at least six different categories) and watch one movie

List of his works
My list (Devotee Level):
Sandman #4 Season of Mists by Neil Gaiman
Sandman #5 A Game of You by Neil Gaiman
Sandman #6 Fables and Reflections by Neil Gaiman
Sandman #8 Brief Lives by Neil Gaiman
Sandman #9 Kindly Ones by Neil Gaiman
Sandman #10 The Wake by Neil Gaiman
Sandman: Endless Nights by Neil Gaiman
Fragile Things
Watch: Coraline

Young Adult Challenge

Host: J. Kaye
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
2. Read 12 Young Adult novels. No need to list your books in advance. You may select books as you go. Even if you list them now, you can change the list if needed.
3. Challenge begins January thru December, 2009.
4. You can join anytime between now and December 31, 2009.

My List:
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Paper Towns by John Green
Tigerheart by Peter David
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer
Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer
Sisters of Misery by Megan Kelley Hall
Zel by Donna Jo Napoli
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephan Chbosky
The Apprentice's Masterpiece by Melanie Little
Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway

My Year of Reading Dangerously
Challenge Blog:
Host: Estella’s Revenge
Read 12 books you deem "dangerous." between January 1st and December 31st 2009. They may be banned or challenged books, new-to-you genres, books that seem to inhabit a permanent space on your stacks, or authors you're afraid of. The possibilities are endless! If it's dangerous to you, it's challenge-worthy to us!

Instead of breaking the year down into monthly Mr. Linky's, we'll be hosting one ongoing Linky this year. We'll post updates and notices to participants in sticky posts at the top of the blog, but your reading will be the centerpiece of this site. Whenever you finish a dangerous book, come leave the link to your review so other participants can ogle your accomplishments.

My List:
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides (literary)
The Lucifer Effect by Phillip Zimbardo (philosophical)
The Gathering by Anne Enright (stream-of-consciousness)
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (classic)
My New York Diary, by Julie Doucet (graphic novel)
(southern lit)
Inferno, by Dante (classic/poetry)
(non fiction)

World Citizen Challenge
Challenge Blog
Host: Eva
The challenge begins January 1st, 2009 and ends December 31st, 2009. However, you can join any time before the challenge ends. You do not have to have a blog to participate; you can either e-mail your reviews/thoughts to me, or I can make a participant on this blog and you can post here. You do not have to make a reading list ahead of time. There will be monthly mini-challenges that you can choose whether or not to participate in.
There will be prizes. There are six categories of books: politics, economics, history, culture or anthropology/sociology, worldwide issues, and memoirs/autobiographies.

There are six levels of participation to choose from:

The Prospie Level So, you’re a prospective high school student trying to decide if this is the right college for you, and you happen to sit in on a world citizenship class. This is for those of you with no time to read another book, but who still want to do something. I’ll be running a different mini-challenge each month of the challenge, and all you have to do to be a prospie is say you want to participate in at least one of them. I promise they’ll be fun, and there will be prizes involved!

The Auditor Level You thought the class sounded interesting, but you didn’t really want to have to worry about attendence or grades or stuff like that. Good thing you can audit. For this level, you just need to declare your interest in the challenge. Anything else you might want to do: the mini-challenges, making a list of potential books, participating in the discussions, etc. is completely up to you. Maybe you want to commit to reading a newspaper or magazine instead of a book-go for it. Also, if you want to choose a different number of books than what I’ve offered in the other levels, come here!

The World Citizenship 101 Level Maybe you’re a freshman trying to decide what to major in, maybe you’re an upperclassman in need of a distribution credit. Either way, you end up in the intro class. For this level, you need to commit to one book.

The Minor Level You’ve taken a couple classes in World Citizenship and decide to go ahead and get the minor. After all, you’ll learn more stuff and you can still have a practical major! For this level, you need to commit to three books, from at least two different categories.
The Major Level Despite the occasional, impertinent “And what are you going to do with a degree in that?!” question, you’ve realised that World Citizenship is where your passion really lies, so you declare your major. For this level, you need to commit to five books, from at least three different categories.

The Postgraduate Level Four years just wasn’t enough for you! You’ve decided to continue your education in World Citizenship, since you’re a bit obsessive about the whole thing. For this level, you need to commit to seven books, including one book from each category.

Suggested Reading

My List (Minor Level):
The Places In Between by Rory Stewart (Memoir/Autobiography)
The Post American World by Fareed Zakaria (Politics)
Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fate of Human Societies by Jared Diamond

Dewey’s Books Challenge

Challenge Blog
Review Blog
Host: Chris and Robin
There are two ways to join this challenge:

1. Pick one book from each of the 6 years that Dewey has archives of. You can access her archives by clicking on the archive link in the sidebar of her website. It’s a dropdown menu. For instance, you would read one book that she reviewed in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 for a total of six books.

2. The other option is to read 5 books that Dewey reviewed. These can be from any year and I’m guessing that each of us has at least 5 books on our TBR list because of Dewey!
And the rules:

1. Choose either option 1 or 2 from above.
2. Commit to read your books (either 5 or 6 depending on which option you choose) throughout 2009. The challenge will end on December 31, 2009 but we’ll go ahead and unofficially start it right away! We’ll officially start it on January 1st, 2009.
3. Check back to this page often as I’ll put up Mr. Linky’s for reviews and I’ll mention prize giveaways!

My List:
Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer
I Am the Cheese by Robert Cormier
Into the Forest by Jean Hegland
The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennet
Gossamer by Lois Lowry
An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
Looking for Alaska by John Green
When You are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris

Graphic Novels Challenge
Challenge Blog
Host: Laza
1. Choose a level of participation:
Minor: Read 6
Major: Read 12
Masters: Read 18
Doctorate: Read 24
2. Challenge begins Jan 1, 2009 and ends Dec 31, 2009. You may join at any point during the year.
3. Can I Overlap? Titles may overlap with any challenges and your list can change at any time.
4. Join the Blog!

My List (Major):
Sandman # 4 Season of Mists by Neil Gaiman
Sandman #5 A Game of You by Neil Gaiman
Sandman #6 Fables and Reflections by Neil Gaiman
Sandman #8 Brief Lives by Neil Gaiman
Sandman #9 Kindly Ones by Neil Gaiman
Sandman #10 The Wake by Neil Gaiman
Sandman: Endless Nights by Neil Gaiman
The Walking Dead #1 Days Gone by by Robert Kirkman
The Walking Dead #2 Miles Behind Us by Robert Kirkman
The Walking Dead #3 Safety Behind Bars by Robert Kirkman
The Walking Dead #4 The Heart's Desire by Robert Kirkman
The Walking Dead #5 The Best Defense by Robert Kirkman
Fables #3 Storybook Love by Bill Willingham
Fables #4 March of the Wooden Soldiers by Bill Willingham
Fables #5 The Mean Seasons by Bill Willingham
Fables #6 Homelands by Bill Willingham
Fables #7 Arabian Nights (and Days) by Bill Willingham
Fables #8 Wolves by Bill Willingham
Fables #9 Sons of Empire by Bill Willingham
Fables #10 The Good Prince by Bill Willingham
Fables #11 War and Pieces by Bill Willingham
Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall by Bill Willingham
Laika by Nick Abadzis

The Dewey Decimal Challenge
Challenge Blog
Host: The Novel World
The Rules:
- Starting January 1st, the goal is to read 1 book from each Dewey Century per month from 000 to 999.
The Review:
- Post the title and the correlating Dewey Decimal Classification Code
- You can verify this a number of ways. Look up the title in your local library catalog and use that Dewey Code.
- You can look it up on the LibraryThing catalog.
- Post a link to your review on here. Check at the beginning of each month for updates, prizes, giveaways and discussion topics.
So, the Dewey Chain goes as follows:
000 - Generalities
100 - Philosophy and Psychology
200 - Religion
300 - Social Sciences
400 - Language
500 - Natural Sciences + Math
600 - Technology
700 - The Arts
800 - Literature and Rhetoric
900 - Geography and History

My List:
000-Library: An Unquiet History
100- The Lucifer Effect by Phillip Zimbardo
200- What Muslims Believe
600-Eat This, Not This by David Zinczenko (613)
800-Characters, Emotion & Viewpoint: techniques and exercises for crafting dynamic characters and effective viewpoints by Nancy Kress
900-The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream by Barack Obama (973)

Manga Challenge
Challenge Blog:
Host: Rhinoa
Rules: Read at least 6 manga novels in 2009 (cross overs with other challenges are fine and please feel free to read more!). Sign up with Mister Linky. I will put up a post each month with a Mister Linky for you to add your reviews to. You do not need to set a list of books to read in advance, just fill them in as you go if it's easier.

My List:
Vampire Knight I by Matsuri Hino
Vampire Knight II by Matsuri Hino
Emma I by Kaoru Mori
Emma II by Kaoru Mori
Emma III by Kaoru Mori
Emma IV by Kaoru Mori
Emma V by Kaoru Mori

9 Books for 2009
Challenge Blog
Host: Books and Other Stuff
This challenge is set up so you can read some books in your TBR (To Be Read) Stacks
(If you need more challenges to keep whittling your TBR stacks, click on A NOVEL CHALLENGE also.)
• Open to anyone, whether you have a blog or not!
• No need to register or to announce what you are going to read.
• Start in any category that you wish.
• 3 books from this reading challenge can be used in other reading challenges.
• Just post in the comment section.
• The genre of the books can be ANYTHING (fiction or non-fiction), but it must be decent (because you have to write reviews about the books).
• Other reading materials (graphic novels, poetry, museum catalogs, art books, zines etc.) are OK.
• The book must already be in your bookcase or storage area.
• The Challenge starts 12/27/08 to 12/27/09. (I hate to begin anything on January 1st).
• You can post starting on 12/27/08.
• Format of work can be paper, audio, or electronic.
These are the NINE categories to celebrate 2009! See the above tabs for details. (I had to abbreviate some of the categories due to WordPress Code restrictions.)
To post, please click one of the tabs for the specific category and place your review JUST in that category, not on any of the 4 pages on the front of this blog.

My List:
1. Long Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
2. Free Comfort Food by Kate Jacobs
3. Dusty The Darcys and the Bingleys by Marsha Altman
4. Used Peace Like a River by Leif Enger
5. Letter
6. Strange Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
7. Distance The Road by Cormac McCarthy
8. Alive or Not The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing Vol 2 by M.T. Anderson
9. Cover Kissing the Virgin's Mouth by Donna M. Gershten

Completed Challenges
Sci-Fi Experience
Challenge Blog
Host: Carl V
And so with great pleasure I announce The Sci Fi Experience 2009, which will run from January 1st through February 28th, 2009. As I said last year, this is an experience and not a challenge. There are no reading lists, book requirements, etc. I do not argue about what is or is not considered ’science fiction’. Nothing about this two month period of science fiction celebration should cause anyone to feel obligated to participate. I host two other very involved challenges throughout the year and the last thing I want to do is start a new year adding stress to your busy lives or my own. This is simply a time to experience how exhilarating science fiction can be.

My Pool:
Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card
Unholy Domain by Dan Ronco
Strangers in Death by J.D. Robb
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
The Planet That Wasn't by Isaac Asimov
Bluebeard by Kurt Vonnegut
Transition by Vonda McIntyre
The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury
Radio Free Albemuth by Philip K. Dick
Quicker Than the Eye by Ray Bradbury
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
The Toynbee Convector by Ray Bradbury

Books Read:
Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card
Slaughter House Five by Kurt Vonnegut
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Corey Doctorow
The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury
Soon I Will Be Invincible by Austin Grossman
Eclipse One edited by Jonathan Strahan

Once Upon a Time III
Challenge Blog
Host: Carl V
Quest The First
Read at least 5 books that fit somewhere within the Once Upon a Time III criteria. They might all be fantasy, or folklore, or fairy tales, or mythology…or your five books might be a combination from the four genres. Runs from March 21-June 20th

Book pool:
Lonely Werewolf Girl by Martin Millar
Tigerheart by Peter David
The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter
Zel by Donna Jo Napoli
Fables #5 The Mean Seasons by Bill Willingham
Fables #6 Homelands by Bill Willingham
Fables #7 Arabian Nights (and Days) by Bill Willingham
Fables #8 Wolves by Bill Willingham
Fables #9 Sons of Empire by Bill Willingham
Fables #10 The Good Prince by Bill Willingham

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